Bella has been bringing up a baby sister again. "When am I going to have a baby sister Shequa?" is a frequent question as of late. My response, "Well, you know honey, if I get pregnant it could end up being a baby brother." Her response, "Not if we adopt a baby girl from China. My best friend Mattie (a boy) has a sister named Katie and they got her from China. We could just go to China and pick out a sister for me." In other words, she has definitely thought this out. I mean DAMN.
I talked to Papa today. He was a little slurry because of the pain meds, but sounded like Papa. It helped to further imprint his voice in my brain because I don't ever want to forget it. I can still hear my Dad clear as a bell saying "I love you more" and no one can erase/write over/ damage that copy <3
Vince moved some more hostas last night, so Bella did some more worm hunting. She set up a bigger worm motel this time, and good thing because Vince said some of the worms were so big/fat that he thought a few were snakes. And they were wiggling so much they were jumping off the ground. Crazy! We are going to have some rich dirt in our vegetable garden with the addition of all these worms :)
I was the first one to wake up this morning (very rare) and I had the dishwasher unloaded and breakfast ready for Bella before my first cup of coffee (even rarer). I woke up a sleepy little girl that slept in nothing but panties last night. I swear she grew overnight. She was all stretched out with her blanket wadded up mostly near her head. Her feet are beginning to stick out now from under her blanket, she is getting so big...
Time for me to get dressed, but not before I reheat my coffee and shuffle Bella to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
Have a great Wednesday <3
Worms big as no likey. That creeped me out. I can't touch worms. Bella is brave. :)