Monday, May 2, 2011

Nice Reminder.

I'm not going to lie, it's been kind of a sad day.  I have been really focused on Papa, and to help keep the tears at bay I threw myself into cleaning the house.  It almost sparkles :)  After Vince got home, Bella took a bath, and then they worked on designing a website she had drawn at school today.  Really, website design at 5?  Anyway, while she ate her dinner, Vince and I watered the hostas and the vegetable garden and let the dogs run around while we did it.  After Bella ate all her dinner, Vince promised she could do a few tree swings before teeth brushing time.  The dogwood over the blue bench is perfect for swinging like a monkey and is one of Bella's current favorite things to do.  Tonight, I caught a great shot of her swinging in her Sleeping Beauty nightgown while Vince sits in as a spot.  Priceless.  It was a nice way to end a long day... smiling with my family <3


  1. i love the cat tail. totlly classic. switzerland doesn't want to miss any of that monkey business <3
