Monday, May 2, 2011


I have another matter of time situation on my hands, and this one I am surely not happy about.  Papa is dying.  My Mom is with him now, he has had a biopsy and we will know the results this afternoon.  Essentially, Hospice care is being discussed and we all know what that means.

Papa has made his wishes clear, and he has said he is ready.  He's 89, he's tired, and in my heart I know it's time, but that does not make it any easier.

My Mom will know more this afternoon after she has talked with his doctor.  My two wishes right now are that I get to talk to him one more time, and that he does not suffer.

heart = broken


  1. oh, sweet girl. rough spring. ya know, not that this heals your heart, but it may bring you some comfort. hospice will bring your papa peace and make this easier for the family as well. a beautiful end to a beautiful journey. weird too, loosing two people who have been part of your life in some capacity for all of your life and the completely different way you will process their passings. i'm sure you are learing a lot about yourself, your relationshiops, etc. i'll call soon! xoxo
