Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Rundown...

So here is what's been going on this week :)

Monday... I picked up Katie and Trip around 11:30 to go have lunch with Bella.  We all got to eat outside because it was beautiful out so the table was full of us and about 4 of B-bo's friends.  It was a lovely lunch, and after it was over, I took Katie and Trip to see Bella's classroom so they could see what kinds of things she does everyday.  Trip loved it and didn't want to leave.  He didn't understand why he couldn't go on the playground with all the kids and play too.  After I dropped them back off at V's parent's house, I headed home for an hour or so and did some cleaning.  When I picked Bella up at school, we went to Pap Pap and Jamma's so she could play with her cousins and we stayed for dinner as well.  By the time we got home, it was bedtime for B and chill out time for me.  Long day with a lot of driving...

Tuesday... I got quite a few VF orders this day and spent most of my time returning emails and designing custom pieces.  After school, we hung at Liz's for about an hour instead of driving all the way home because it was Primary Parent Night at Bella's school.  She was so excited that we were going so she could teach us some of her lessons that she works on daily.  Vince ended up not being able to come due to horrible traffic caused by the tremendous storm we had the night before.  While there, Bella gave me 6 lessons.  3 were math related, 1 art lesson, 1 flower lesson, and then 1 lesson on the water cycle.  They were all really cool, and especially the math ones.  I wish I could have gone to her school when I was a little kid.  She was so upset when we had to leave because she said she had so much more to teach me :)  I love that she LOVES to learn!  Again, when we got home, we launched into our normal dinner/bath/bedtime routine, and while I got stories read and a mooga tucked in for the night, Vince did our taxes.  Yea for a giant refund!  Did I mention that most of it will go to fixing our bay window... who knew that one window could cost a few grand to fix... BOO!

Wednesday... I busted out a fun t-skirt for a client and brainstormed about some new inventory before it was 3 and time to pick up the kiddo.  When we got home, she played in the backyard with the dogs, looked for silk worms, and checked to see if any fairies had taken residence in any of the fairy houses <3  Vince had a long class and didn't get home until after 10 exhausted from his super long day.  Only 2 more weeks of class before summer break for him so to speak.  Poor guy is working his ass off and needs a break.  We went to bed around 11ish thinking we would be getting a great night sleep... silly us! Bella has all of a sudden decided she is afraid of the dark.  Now she has a night light, a star turtle, plus there is a night light in the hall bath that shines in her room because we leave her door cracked.  Well, the batteries in her star turtle are low and need to be recharged so it doesn't stay on very long right now.  Between the hours of 1 and 3 she was up 4 times turning on lights, getting water from the bathroom or just running around through the house.  Normally when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she turns on her lamp and plays quietly in her room until she feels sleepy again.  I don't know what has changed to where she feels she needs to get the whole family involved during her late night playtime.  Needless to say, I am not the most pleasant person when I am awoken from a deep sleep for nothing.  By the fourth warning, it sunk in and she finally went back to bed, but not before stealing 2 hours of sleep from the rest of us.

Thursday... So due to the late night events of my kiddo, I am not feeling at the top of my game today.  I forgot to make sure Bella had shorts on under her dress this morning, and so the whole car ride to school was spent reminding her to sit like a lady and not show everyone her panties.  Yeah, I don't think it sunk in, but at least she is throwing her Capri Sun pouch away after lunch instead of putting it back in her lunch box so it can leak all over it and her backpack.  It's the small victories I choose to focus on today :) So now I'm home, and I'm getting ready to be creative.  Is the weekend here yet?


  1. I'm learning much from you mama! :) What's up with the bay window?

  2. The window itself is fine, it's the wood all around it full of water damage that's the problem... It still requires removal so the water damage can be fixed, and then the window can be re-installed. Gotta love owning an older home <3

    We need a phone chat please!


  3. so, rowan won't even take a lunch box because he doesn't want to hold it while he waits to go to the loo after lunch. whatever is left after he eats lunch gets thrown away/recycled...tupperware, utensils and what-not. my kindergartener requested a brown bag!!! i think i had a lunch box til i was like in the 7th grade!!! so no leaky leaky but the things i wash in his pockets should never be pulled out of a washing machine...i'm working on it!!!
