Bella woke up at 5 a.m. this morning to find out what the Easter bunny may have left her. I got up to tell her it was fine for her to enjoy her Easter basket, but that she could not go outside to find Easter eggs until 7 a.m. At 7 on the dot, she had her shoes on and a sweater and was ready to head outside. I asked her to wait 15 more minutes for me to get up, and long story short, she did not... She found all but 2 of the eggs before I could make it out there. Needless to say my feelings were hurt because I wanted to watch her look for them and take pictures. Now I'm mad, and my 5 year old is crying because she is the reason I'm mad. What a great way to start off Easter morning... I helped her find the last 2 eggs, and then she told me she was sorry and that next year she promises she will wait for me. All is forgiven, and everyone is smiling again. While she cracked open her eggs for more surprises, I made breakfast for her and coffee for me. While all of this is going down, where is Vince you might ask? Asleep.
She loved everything the Easter Bunny brought, and was very surprised. My favorite 2 things, a mini pink and purple basketball so she can play with Vince and I, and a book all about Panda Bears which she is already spouting facts about :) Plus, she got 3 new nail polishes, so I think I see a pedicure in my near future.
Now it's time for me to shower. I'm wearing a dress that I made this morning for Easter service. It fits me perfectly, I love it, and I will post a picture later. I'm going to attempt to take a family picture before we meet up with Vince's parents for church this morning.
Happy Easter <3
I was wondering if you made is so cute!