Monday, January 24, 2011

Swimming in my head

So the bug I caught the day before Bella's party has officially moved in and set up shop.  My head is so full of snot I feel like I am swimming inside of my face.  Hopefully I am on the end of this sickness though and will start to feel better tomorrow.

So today... Today is Bella's birthday recognition at school.  I take in a picture from each year of her life so far to pass around while we sing to and honor Miss B-bo.  Then I am going to stay and have lunch with her today, and as a treat I am bringing Chik-fil-a :)  She is so excited she can hardly stand it.

I finished cleaning up from the party last night so it was nice to wake up to a clean kitchen this morning <3 Now I must get dressed, put on a pretty face and get ready to conquer the day... boy do I not feel good :(

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like so much fun. I love her school! I wish we had something like that here...may be we do but I just don't know about it yet. Hope the snot starts to move on out!
