Bella's birthday celebration at school today was so sweet. Everybody sat down for circle time and we started by singing the months of the year song. Then Miss Angie put a candle in the middle of the circle and put a ring of clouds around the outside of the candle which represented the sun. Bella got the earth and then stood next to the January cloud. Before her first trip around the sun I talked about her baby picture that I brought. Then she walked around the sun once and then I talked about her picture from when she was one. This went on all the way to 5, and then the class sang happy birthday to her before she blew out the candle and made a wish. I am going to include the pictures I took today below because seeing them really puts a smile on my face :)
4 months old
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
I realize this final picture is in a previous blog, but it's what I used today since all her classmates are in the photo with her <3
I love this little girl to pieces, and she amazes me everyday.
Man 5 years goes by fast! It's cool to see all of those pics again :)