For my first post, I want to tell you all about Vince and Bella's current favorite game to play. It is called animal rescue rangers and here is how it works. Bella has a bin full of teeny beanie babies that Vince takes and hides all around the house while B-bo waits in her room. Then Vince and an animal run to find Bella because animals are in dangerous situations all over the place and they need her help. So one by one, they rescue all the animals and take them to the "hospital" or Bella's room, to be checked out. The excitement and creativity that come out of those two while playing makes my heart grin as big as my chest. In fact, we have even decided to include the game in her birthday party festivities in a couple of weeks... This is a truly magical age and I am trying to soak up every second of it while I can.
One more before I go... we were listening to the Squeegees in the car and "Jonathan the Redwood Tree" was playing. At one point the tree talks about being depressed, and Bella asked me what that meant. I said it means very very sad, and her response was, "You know what else means really really sad? Crestfallen." How many 4 year olds do you know that know the word crestfallen? She said she learned it on Word Girl. Gotta love PBS!
All right, time to enjoy this beautiful snow day! Both V and B are out of school/off work so we are gonna have some fun today!
I don't even know what that means.