Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Turned out to be a day of accomplishments.  I finished all the laundry, and I made a cute bag for Miss Angie that has all of Bella's school supplies in it.  Being in Kindergarten, they still practice community supplies, meaning all of the supplies brought in are stored in a giant metal cabinet and disbursed as needed. So I thought her teacher might like a bag to use throughout the school year as well.  Yes, I know I am that parent, and I enjoy it.

Other activities of the day included a few errands, a 2 hour nap on the couch (I know it was 2 hours because 4 PBS shows cycled through) which Bella was patient enough to let me take, some Project Runway imagination play that included all of the Build-a-Bear animals, and myself & Bella, yummy portabello mushroom/tomato/swiss cheese sandwiches on Italian bread made fresh by Vince for dinner, 2 chapters of a Jack & Annie book before putting Bella to bed, and promptly passing out on the sofa at 9:30. I think that about covers it.

Enjoy your Tuesday <3

1 comment:

  1. Blerg! I was about to call you and then my brother called. Time to start talking Thanksgiving apparently. I think that's the same material that Grant's diaper bag is made out of. Also, that sandwich is making me hungry....and I hate mushrooms.
