Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's no secret that the last few months have been difficult for me emotionally.  So for this post, I'm going to focus on some highlights from the last few days, beginning with last Friday.  Enjoy.

Friday.  Bella and I made a trip to Ikea to get Allie's birthday present.  We decided on a new art easel with some new paints/paintbrushes/easel paper/chalk to assist the budding artist in her future masterpieces.  Bella chose to play in the super cool playroom, and this allowed me to have a peaceful hour of browsing around. Everybody won if you ask me.

Saturday.  Allie is 6!  Unbelievable.  We went to Robert and Ro's house for a small family party for Miss Cakes.  That's right, we are considered family, and good thing we were there because it seemed that La and Ro needed the buffer.  A little background... Ro is La's Mother-in-law, and La, Karl & the kiddos are all staying with Karl's parents for a few weeks or so until their house is ready to move in.  In other words, tense situation all around.  La is pregnant with number 4 having to live with her in-laws, while Ro, is probably feeling pretty invaded with 5 extra people in the house, 3 of which are 6 and under...  Anyway, it was a nice little party for Allie, and the kiddos had fun playing and eating cake.

Monday.  Bella entertained me with an impromptu dance session that included a ballet and tap piece.  And, of course, there was a costume change between numbers.  While the recital ensued, I created an area rug made out of 4 pairs of jeans to go underneath Bella's table and chairs that used to be red and is now a golden yummy yellow.  Pictures will  be posted when the project is complete... I promise.  I also will be making a flower girl dress for Allie for Laura's friends Brian and Callie's wedding.  I met with Callie, we formulated a plan, and I will be choosing possible fabrics over the next few days.  One last thing for Monday... Vince helped me fold laundry this evening and I realized it was a lot like Bella helping me fold laundry.  He only folded towels/napkins/blankets while I folded everything else and we still finished at the same time.  Granted, I'm pretty OCD when it comes to folding laundry, as in I have a specific way I like things folded, and Vince doesn't do it right, but to be fair, no one does.  Trust me, I already know I have a problem, and I have learned to live with it... and so has Vince :)

Tuesday.  Today.  I had the neighborhood boy come and mow the lawn today so that Vince won't have to when he gets home from work today.  It has been raining a lot, and we've been out of town a lot.  Both of these things equal a lawn that could be mistaken for a jungle.  Eric did it all in less than an hour, gotta love riding mowers, plus he edged and blew.  Gotta be a better way to say that.

And there you have it.

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