Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nice day.

It was a very nice Saturday for sure.

Our day began slowly with coffee for me, and lots of pineapple for Bella.  She asked if we could get some at the store yesterday after ballet class, and she has been eating it like it might be the last pineapple on earth.  It's funny what she craves these days, but at least it's fresh fruit.

Post breakfast, a family cleaning session ensued.  It goes so much faster when we all just pitch in and knock it out.  Plus, if Bella wanted Allie to spend the night she had to clean her room.  Allie was told the same thing, but needed some encouragement so Bella drew a picture on her chalkboard of the two of them sleeping.  I then sent a pix message to La for Allie, and that seemed to do the trick because La said she immediately got to work. 

I spent the rest of the morning brainstorming a new skirt design, and tomorrow I think I will turn my thoughts into a pattern and get busy.  I still have two "wild card" skirts to create for clients and this new idea should work out perfectly for these orders. 

At 1:30 Bella and I headed out to pick up Allie.  We hung out there for an hour so that Laura and I could chat and enjoy a glass of wine before making the trek back to our house.  She and I don't get much face time these days with the girls in school so we try to take advantage of it when we get the chance.  Also, little Jacob bean is just adorable.  He gave me a big wet sloppy kiss on my right cheek and eye and then leaned back and clapped.  Already learning how to love the ladies, and I would expect nothing less because he is a Schmitt boy after all. 

Once we got back to our house, the girls did some science experiments with Vince before creating new books like last weekend.  Around 6 I asked them if they would like to go to a girl's only dinner at Hawthorne's Pizza, and the high pitched squeals I received in response almost made my ears bleed.  While we enjoyed a lovely dinner, Vince headed out to hang with some friends.  He totally deserved a hall pass, after his work week he needed some down time. 

After dinner, the girls took an hour long bubble bath.  I listened to them take turns telling versions of Goldilocks and the 3 bears using the toys in the tub, in between tea parties and bubble beard sessions.  I just love those 2 to pieces!  Post bath, they colored for about an hour before teeth were brushed, stories were read, lights out, and a star turtle was turned on.  I listened to them tell each other make-up stories as they drifted off into dream land.  I hope those two stay best buds forever.

Now I'm contemplating what to watch on Netflix while I wait for Vinny to return home. 

Today was a really good day <3

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty good day. :) So, what did you watch?
