On the way home, we had to go to the grocery store because we had no food in our house. I HATE going to the grocery store, there I said it. On the way home, Bella fell asleep, and usually when I carry her in and put her on the couch she wakes up. Not today... I had to wake her up and that took a good 20 minutes and proved to create one cranky kiddo. Bath time sucked, and dinner wasn't all that pleasant either, but by the time we had watched one episode of Say Yes to the Dress together things seemed to finally calm down. It is a teaching night for Vince so he won't be home until around 10.
She and I have added a new step to the bedtime routine. At 7:30, before teeth brushing time, we sit on the couch and she reads to me. I am truly blown away with the progress she makes everyday, and the memory on this kid is unbelievable. Last night she read the book she had chosen from the library and then her daily FRED (Family Reading Every Day) book about Panda bears.
Once she was sound asleep, I went back to cutting out my new t-skirt design. It is all cut out now and once I get home from dropping her off at school this morning I will be sewing it all together. Exciting stuff!
Now I need to get dressed and get Bella dressed. She has Spring pictures today so I need to help a bit this morning :) Looks like it's going to be a lovely, sunny day.
A kid that's excited to go to the dentist...she crazy. :)