Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5 year check up

Bella-bo had her 5 year check up today.  It started with filling out a whole bunch of paperwork, which is always fun, and a $75 co-pay due to no insurance... The appointment total was $157 which is way cheaper than paying $500 a month for insurance when we only go to the doctor once a year.  We are hoping to be insured this summer, we are just trying to get all of our ducks in a row so that we can afford it.  Trust me, I am terrified about something big happening and us owing like 10 grand, but for now I like the house we are living in and want to keep it, so insurance is lower on the list at the moment.

Now back to the appointment... First things first, height and weight.  After slipping off her cowgirl boots, Bella stepped on the scale.  She is a whopping 34.5 lbs and 41 inches tall.  She gained a whole 2.5 lbs in a  She is in the 15th percentile for weight and height which her doctor said was perfectly fine because she is proportionate and progressing accordingly.  Awww, I love my little shrimp <3

While chatting with Dr. Harvey, we were talking about the importance of knowing her address/phone number in case she was ever separated from me.  She knows her address, but we need to work on phone numbers.  We also talked about who she should approach if she got lost like a policeman/mom with stroller/store clerk.  Here is what Bella had to say... "My teacher, Miss Angie, has a brother that is a policeman.  He sleeps all day and then works at night.  He's nocturnal."  Did I mention how much I love her?!

All in all, she is very healthy and growing up right before my eyes.  I am so blessed that she is my little girl and that I get to be her Mama <3

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. :) That's cool that the doctor was reviewing that info with her. And she's soooo smart!!!!
