Monday, August 13, 2012

Saturday Night Chaos

Bella posted this while V and I were cleaning up
Saturday had been a lovely day.  Vince and his Dad moved the red sofa out of Bella's room, and I hung up all of her original artwork while they took the couch to Vince's work.  I did a little back to school clothing shopping for B, and she loved everything I got for her.  I need to remember this, because one day it is not going to be so easy :) All she needs now are new shoes and a new backpack and she should be set. We had a nice dinner, and then I got Bella's shower ready for her setting the pace for a quiet evening... or so we thought...

Before Bella jumped in the shower, she went to the bathroom and flushed twice.  Don't know why that sticks out, but it does.  Anyway, about 10 minutes later, I hear her shut off the shower, and here is where the fun begins.  Immediately she begins yelling for Mommy and Daddy because there is water everywhere!  The toilet was overflowing and had been the whole time she was in the shower.  Vince went running not realizing what he was about to encounter, and he took a hard spill in the pool of water collecting at the end of our hallway.  When I arrive on the scene, my husband is face down on the ground moaning, and my child is standing in the bathroom door, naked, with a look of terror on her face.  I, being almost 6 months pregnant, made my way carefully down the hall and into the bathroom so that I could shut the water off and assess the damage.  I got Bella to her room, and then I tended to Vince, poor Vince.  He ended up with 2 chipped teeth, a possible concussion, and a cracked rib, but even though he was in extreme pain, he was able to get the wet vac and help me clean up all the water. Luckily, Bella's room has tile flooring, and our hallway is wood which made it relatively easy to clean up.  Franklin's room is carpet, but it only went as far as the doorway there so we were lucky, but the water soaked everything in the bottom of our linen closet and made it into Bella's closet as well meaning I did 5 loads of laundry consisting of towels, sleeping bags, rugs and quilts before it was all said and done.

After a long night of waking Vince every hour to make sure he was ok, and fans blowing to calm our swelling wood floors, I think things are pretty much back to normal.  Vince feels like he has been in a fight, which in a way he was... with a concrete floor.  More than anything, he's just thankful he found the mess first instead of me, because things could have been a whole lot uglier.  And besides Bella being a bit nervous about flushing the toilet, I think it is all behind us now.

Definitely not how we thought we would be spending our Saturday night!  Only now can I look back and nervously laugh about it all, and I'm thankful there were no ER visits needed <3

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