Thursday, October 6, 2011


Was a really great day.  I got Bella to school and then I began resetting the house.  I cleaned up the kitchen/living room/studio, unpacked from my trip, did 5 loads of laundry, finished a messenger bag order, and finally got a box big enough for my brother's birthday present so I could ship it.

I stopped at the bank and the post office before grabbing B-bo from school, and we stopped at Target on our way home for a few necessities and a few not so needed items.  While there, we also perused the Halloween section to make sure that our costume of choice still remained the same... panda bear.  After looking at every single costume, she decided that she did indeed still want to be a panda bear :)

Once we got home, Bella took a bath and I put away some laundry while we waited for Vince to get home from work.  While he made us a yummy veggie burger dinner, B-bo and I played some games, or more specifically Go Fish and Guess Who.  During dinner, Bella told us about what they had been working on in Technology class and it about blew my mind.  They are working on typing, and she proved it by placing her fingers on an imaginary keyboard and saying, "a, s, d, f, j, k, l, ;" using the correct fingers.  They had worked on the letters r and u today which she said was boring because they had to do it over and over again.  Learning to type in kindergarten?!  I didn't learn until the 7th grade so consider me impressed.  I guess the sooner the better these days considering computers are introduced at such an early age now.

After dinner, we played a short Uno tournament before bedtime.  Vince read stories, and I cleaned up the dinner dishes.  After that, we headed to the office so Vince could prep for his class the next day, and I sat on the red sofa and read.  It didn't take long for me to fall asleep because the next thing I remembered was Vince gently waking me and telling me to go to bed.


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