Monday, June 13, 2011

What else has been going on...

While Bella and I were at the beach, Vince was at home working and dealing with having water damage to the roof repaired.  Good thing he was there because it turned out to be way more damage than initially expected, which translates to, "more expensive to fix."  This year is quickly becoming the year of our house.  Here is a short list so far... Water damage repair, new fridge, replacement of the bay window, removal of about 10 trees, painting in the interior, and odds and ends here and there.  a.lot.

Sunday, we had to take down 2 of the 3 Bradford Pears in our side yard because they are diseased.  The 3rd will eventually come down too, but after we clean up the 1st 2.  They were all big trees, so it's going to be quite a job, and it's providing me with a free workout hauling tree limbs to the backyard :)

Tomorrow, I leave for Hattiesburg again, to take care of Papa for a week so my Mom can go home and take care of some things before Andrew's wedding.  I won't be home until next Monday, which gives me only one full day at home before we leave for Andrew's wedding.  We will be driving to Durham Wednesday night to spend the night with Keri because it saved us $700 on plane tickets to leave from Raleigh vs. Charlotte.  sucks...  It still cost $1300 for the 3 of us to fly to Houston which makes no sense.  It's cheaper for us to fly to NYC.  And trust me, I have been price shopping for months now and prices have not budged.

For now, I need to switch the laundry, get dressed, and make a Hobby Lobby run so I can complete Bella's flower girl dress before taking her to Allie's to spend the night.  Then I need to make sure everything is in order for Vince while I'm gone, pack, and try to get a little sleep.  All right, time to get moving...

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