It's been a nice few days with lots of little accomplishments sprinkled here and there helping to keep our motivation flowing. The nephews were in town for the weekend, staying with Pap Pap & Jamma while their parents went to a wedding in Asheville. Vince took Bella over for a couple of late swims and a small firework show with the boys while they were here because Bella loves her cousins, and we don't get to see them that often. So when they are here, we like to make the most of it.
On Saturday, a huge accomplishment happened in the morning... Bella decided to try to learn to ride a bike! She has been talking about trying for about 3 months now, and when I say talking about it, I mean long, in-depth conversations about the ins & outs of bike riding so that she felt like she had a full grasp on what she was getting herself into. I guess it all made sense Saturday morning, and she decided to give it a shot, in the driveway with Daddy's assistance. She didn't do too bad, and later on Sunday, she and Vince tried out a little street ride, and she did even better. I've learned with Bella, that it has to be on her terms, and if I let her come to a decision on her own, she will, and she is much happier about things.
Saturday afternoon, I took her to a birthday party for her friend Cameron, which involved a big inflatable water slide in the backyard. The kiddos had a blast, while the adults tried to stay cool on the semi-shaded patio. Post cake eating and present opening, you could really see the sugar kick in. At the beginning of the party, the girls were all very nicely waiting in line and going one at a time down the water slide. After cupcakes, all mayhem broke loose! They were climbing up the slide, going 3 at a time, launching themselves into the air before sliding, and a host of other crazy things. I'm impressed their were no bonked heads or super collisions. It was a very cute party, and all the girls got to take home a dress-up hula girl outfit with a pineapple water bottle with their names on it. So sweet.
Sunday, we had a late breakfast with V's parents and the boy cousins before heading back home to paint Bella's new room! It looks fantastic, and I will post pics when I do a before & after post about the whole process. I'm not sure who is having more fun, me or her <3
On Monday, the Primm clan came over in the morning for a little play date, and the rest of the day was spent doing laundry and cleaning up. Later in the afternoon, I was doing some touch up painting in B's room, when I heard her yelling my name. When I went to investigate, I found a little girl who had finally wiggled a loose tooth until it was bleeding and hanging by a thread. It took me 5 minutes to get her to settle down and to convince her to let me pull it out. Felt.Like.An.Eternity. It popped right out, and this makes her 3rd tooth that she has lost now, so far all on the bottom. She was actually having a slight crisis when she went to bed because she was really attached to her baby tooth and didn't want to give it up, but she also wanted some money from the tooth fairy in exchange for the tooth. In the end, she opted for leaving the tooth in her special pillow, and the next morning, she was excited to find $1. She claims she kind of missed her tooth though. It's tough growing up <3
Now, it's Tuesday. I'm almost 22 weeks, and Franklin gets more and more active each day. He seems to be a night owl because from 8 to midnight he is up and jumping, but during most of the day he is chill. I guess we'll see... So for today, the plan is to start transferring the contents from Bella's closet to her new closet. Exciting stuff!
Happy Tuesday Everyone <3